Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reflection on Student Writing

Timing really is everything...I was finally able to have my students write a third person narrative about an explorer they studied from our Explorer's unit.  Each student was required to research a specific Explorer and create a Power Point on that explorer.  As an end of unit activity, they then wrote thier essays.  I was excited to brainstrom with them about the things they thought were important during the age of exploration.  I made a list of many of their ideas on the board so they had a direction, and then they began writing.  I feel like the kids really knew what their setting was, as well as many of the problems that there characters were going face.  I didn't get to share their essays with my group, but I am really excited to see the outcome.  I feel like the kids were able to integrate their understanding of the Age of Exploration with the writing standards.  Their writing shows a deeper level of historical thinking, as well, they are using strong vocabulary within their writing.  I am glad to see all they can do with this new informatino. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Helms Wordle

Wordle: jhelms
I really like this very usable application.  My favorite things are learning about new uses for technology, as well, how to apply it to instruction.  Thank you for this great tool.